viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013


Welcome to IEEE 1471-2000, this is a blog related to the course Software Design and Architecture at ITESM CEM.

In this space you will find information and examples associated with the current topics that will be seen along the course. In this first entry I'm going to write a few stuff about me.

My name is Gerardo Caballero, I actually study at Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey the B.S. of Computer Systems Engineering. I expect form this course to teach me about the most common practices used to select, define or design a software architecture.

I love eating and spending time in any device with Internet access. I enjoy philosophy and science related topics, and well in general I am deeply interested in any human condition subject.

My favorite writer is Cortázar, haven't recently read anything of him tho. I recently re-read Orwell's Animal Farm (reading only the prologue is worth it) and also I just finished Stephen Hawking's book "The Great Design" (which I totally recommend, specially for any Catholic). I am currently watching Dexter (up to date) and Breaking Bad (not so much :( ). I'm looking forward to watch the new Scorsese movie, it seems awesome. Well that's all I can say about myself atm, but I leave with this song of one of my favorites groups.

(btw IEEE 1471-2000 was the first formal standard in the area of software architecture. It was adopted in 2007 by ISO.)

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